New CIRCLE project: Using screen recordings to study EHR usability and safety

Home Forums Projects Project Proposals New CIRCLE project: Using screen recordings to study EHR usability and safety

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  • #664
    Adam WrightAdam Wright

    Dear CIRLCE Members,

    We’ve started using Citrix Session Recording at Partners to capture screen recordings of users using Epic. We can then look at the videos to evaluate usability, investigate safety events, etc. I’m aware of a few other organizations (MedStar Health, Johns Hopkins and some Cerner customers) that are also doing this, and wanted to see if any CIRCLE members are currently doing this, or are interested in doing it. If so, we might try to form a Community of Practice of people who are doing this, or would like to learn more (you definitely don’t have to be doing it already to participate). Can you let me know if you’re interested? You can reply / post here or just email me directly ().




    We are not doing this, but we are currently deploying CITRIX across the organization and would be interested in exploring this capability


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